Monday, April 5, 2010

Paleo Challenge Winners!!!

Tuesday 6Apr10

We apologize about the delay in announcing the winners but here they are.
For the gals, Dina De Zoysa:


2nd gal: Karen Cason
3rd gal: Tery Wong

and for the guys, Billy Shand:


2nd guy: Adam Campisano
3rd guy: Mark Cannon

1st Place Prizes: 3x months unlimited membership!

2nd Place Prizes: 1x month unlimited membership and $100 gift certificate to Whole Foods

3rd Place Prize: $50 gift certificate to Whole Foods and $50 for the CrossFit Chicago store.

Congrats to everyone on a great job! The #2 and #3 gals and guys pictures will be posted at the box. Now you know what kind of changes can be made in 8 weeks!

Regular - Overhead squat 5-5-5
Advanced - Overhead squat 5-3-2-1-1

5 rounds for time of:
5 Thrusters (135/95 or 50% of 1RM front squat)
30 Double unders

Post WOD - 5x10 Push ups (20 seconds rest, time each set)

Post loads and time to comments.


  1. Callus link I was yapping about. Figured this would just get lost in the posts at the main cfc site:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. way to represent cfcwl billy s!
