Saturday, January 29, 2011

 CrossFit West Loop is now CrossFit Construct !

 Please follow the link below to the new blog spot

Friday, January 28, 2011


Find a 1 Rep Max for Clean and Jerk
(Must pass through a full squat)

Post WOD = 500 M Row Time Trial

Remember to stop in tomorrow morning at 11 am.  The team workout will start around 11:30 am.  For any of you interested in competing in a sectionals training workout at 1:30 pm please email for more information.  Again feel free to bring anyone along.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


For Time

100 single unders

6 Rounds of the following

3 power snatches (95/65)
5 burpees (with a jump over the bar)
7 power clean and jerk (95/65)
9 Jumps over the bar (Facing The Bar each Time)

post wod

30 ring rows
3x5 glute ham raises

This Saturday January 29th will be the Grand-Reopening of CrossFit West Loop.  There will not be a normal class at 10 am.  Instead stop by at 11 am and a team workout will start at about 11:30 am.  Email me if you have any questions.   Hope to see you There!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011



5-3-1+  (75-85-95% of you one rep max)

Then record total reps of the following

2 minute amrap of pull ups
1 minute amrap of push ups
rest exactly 2 minutes
1 minute amrap of handstand pushups or handstand kick ups
2 minute amrap of toes to bar

Post 30 ghd situps

Monday, January 24, 2011



Front Squat

Then for time

4 Rounds of the following

10 Overhead squats   95/65 or 50 % of your one rep max
30 KB Swings

post wod
 1 minute amrap of 20/14 inch box jumps
30 back extensions
This Saturday January 29th we will be having a Grand Re-Opening Party.  There will be a team workout that will start at 11 am.  Please feel free to bring any and everyone along! 

Saturday, January 22, 2011


"bear complex"

Find a max for the following sequence

1. Power clean
2. Front squat
3. Push press
4. Back squat
5. Push press

Complete steps one through five without dropping or resting on the ground seven times for one complete bear complex.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


( must pass through a full squat )

Then for time
2 k row

Post wod

3 x 8 lunges

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Press 3-3-3+  70-80-90%

Then for time

10-8-6-4-2  reps of the following

30 seconds rest between rounds

Shoulder to over head  
Toes To Bar

3 x 8 close grip bench tempo 3OXO

Monday, January 17, 2011


Front Squat

10 minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following

6 dead lifts 135/95 or 40 % of your one rep max
9 box jumps
12 double unders
15 sit ups

Post Wod = Bent over barbell rows 3 x 8
Plus 3 x 7 strict pull ups.  Change hand position on each set

Again as a reminder.  We will be having a grand re-opening party on saturday jan. 29th.  There will be no regular classes on that day.  A team wod will start around 11 am.  Please sign up for a shirt if you would like to purchase one on that saturday.  

Thursday, January 13, 2011



Split jerk

Then for time
50 chest to bar pull ups
50 burpees

Post wod

3x8 tempo close grip bench ( 3OxO )

On Saturday January 29th CrossFit West Loop will be having a Grand Re-Opening. There will be a team workout that will start at 11 am and drinks to follow at a local bar. There will also be a new re-designed t-shirt for sale. If interested in purchasing a new shirt please put you name on the list at the box along with the size shirt you would like. Saturday the 29th will be open to any and everyone so feel free to stop in and bring someone along. Again more details to come shortly...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Front Squat 5-5-5+

5 rounds of the following with 60 seconds rest in between each round

5 hang squat cleans
10 air squats
5 hang squat snatches

post wod
3 x 8 bent over rows with dumb bells

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



(65%-75%-85% of your on rep max)

15 Minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following

5 clapping push ups
10 russian kb swings
15 double unders
20 box jumps

post wod = free standing handstands

Monday, January 10, 2011



Power Snatch
Find a 1 Rep Max Power Snatch

Then For Time

5 rounds of the following

5 Hang power snatch  (95/65)
10 Air Squats
5 Hang power cleans  (same weight as snatch)

post workout 

Glute ham raises
toe to bar

Friday, January 7, 2011



3 sets of max reps strict pull ups/ chin ups rest 60 seconds between sets

3 sets of max ring dips rest 60 seconds between sets

Then for time

5 rounds of the following

3 push press
6 box jumps
9 sit ups
12 kb swings
9 sit ups
6 box jumps
3 push press

Rest exactly one minute between rounds

Thursday, January 6, 2011



Rest day or Make up day

There will be a 7 pm class this evening. Also remember that there is now a 10 and 11 am class on saturday morning.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


2 squat cleans every minute for ten minutes. (65 to 75% of your one rep max)

Then for time

3 rounds of the following

15 dead lifts at ( 135/85).
15 jumps over the bar
15 box jumps (24/20)

Post wod

30 back extensions
5 minutes of snatch warm-up. Skill work

As a reminder there will be a 7 pm class on Thursday evenings

Tuesday, January 4, 2011



90 second amrap of body weight bench press
Followed by 90 seconds of rest
90 second amrap of burpees

12 minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following

5 handstand push ups
10 KB snatches (5 per arm)
15 Double unders

Advanced members will double the reps.

Sorry for the late post. As a reminder there will now be a 7 pm class on Thursday evenings.
Also there will be a sign up on the board for those interested in a few other class times. Please put a check by the times that you would prefer to use.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy New Year

We will have some new classes during the week and on the weekends. There will now be a 7 pm class on thrusday evening. Also 9 am classes will be added later this month. I hope everyone had a great holiday and is ready to get back in and get back to work.


find your one rep max snatch balance

Then for time

Overhead squat
Chest to bar pull ups

Post wod
30 ghd sit ups
5 minutes of snatch skill work