Monday, January 24, 2011



Front Squat

Then for time

4 Rounds of the following

10 Overhead squats   95/65 or 50 % of your one rep max
30 KB Swings

post wod
 1 minute amrap of 20/14 inch box jumps
30 back extensions
This Saturday January 29th we will be having a Grand Re-Opening Party.  There will be a team workout that will start at 11 am.  Please feel free to bring any and everyone along! 


  1. FS: 155#-175#-195#(2)

    Metcon: 16:36 @ 95#/2 pood. OHS were ugly halfway through the second set, did lots of singles and doubles.

  2. Can't make it tonight so I was motivated to get up early. 6am is insane, I don't know how you people do it consistently.

    Front squat - 170#x5, 190#x3, 215#x1

    WOD: 95# and 1.5 pood = 9:45.

    OHS unbroken all the way, very happy with my development there. KBS were easy early but round 4 was pretty damn tough.

    I want to start doing 2 pood in some WODs, but 120 swings at 6am before I go to work, that's just not happening. Have fun tonight guys.

  3. ew, i don't care for anything happens before 9 am, but I'm probably stuck in morning workouts for a while because of work:

    WOD: 8:31; 45# & 25# KBS

    Front squat 153#x5, 173# x3, 193 x3

  4. Whats up Drywall... no kipping in the wod? I'm unimpressed.

  5. FS 150(5)-170(3)-190(3)

    Concentrated on keeping my back flat and weight in the heels. Going to slowly build up the weight on this lift.

    Metcon 9:40 95# and 1.5 Pood
    KBS were a grip killer as usual. OHS were all easy and unbroken.

  6. FS: 130-145-160(2)

    metcon @ 75# and 1.5 pood: 10:56...OHS killed me.

    post 1min AMRAP box jump: 52

  7. fs 185x5 215x3 240x1

    metcon 9:36 95lbs russian kbs 1.5 pood

    1 minute amrap box jumps: 37

  8. FS: 150x5, 170x3, 190x2

    metcon: 10:54 @95lb/1.5pood.

    This one was tough for me. super tight back from the KBs. might need to reevaluate my form.

    1min AMRAP box jumps: 60
    pretty solid tempo on these.

    5 muscle ups

  9. FS: 150x5, 170x3, 190x2

    metcon: 9:33 @55lb/25kb

    this is my second time doing OHS's at 55# and it felt pretty comfortable, especially when I would remember to get my grip wide enough. Next time I'm going for 60#.

    my grip on the kbs was awful! the last two rounds i had to set it down every 5 swings. my hands were so sweaty.
