Friday, January 7, 2011



3 sets of max reps strict pull ups/ chin ups rest 60 seconds between sets

3 sets of max ring dips rest 60 seconds between sets

Then for time

5 rounds of the following

3 push press
6 box jumps
9 sit ups
12 kb swings
9 sit ups
6 box jumps
3 push press

Rest exactly one minute between rounds


  1. This is what I sing in my head when I do workouts like this:

  2. Ladies and Gents, I am having knee surgery and looking for a wonderful person who is not working Monday 1/10 to escort me out of the hospital around noon. Apparently they do not want patients recently under anesthetic to wander the city unaccompanied. Car or cab is fine, I will pay for any parking or cab fees as well as provide lunch. Any volunteers would be greatly appreciated

    Coach John

  3. pull ups: 12-7-5
    ring dips: 14-6-5

    metcon @ 95#/24"/1.5 pood: 11:34

  4. Pull ups: not 1, but 2 strict! A first! Then worked negatives.

    Ring dips: 5-4-4

    WOD: 13:57 @ 63#/20"/25#kb

  5. Pull ups - 20, 11, 7
    Ring dips - 16, 7, 6

    WOD: 115#, 24", 1.5 pood - 11:14

  6. PUs: 14-7-5

    Metcon @ 135#/2pood 13:something

    I love these broken up one - get the heart pumping good.

  7. WOD: 13:16 @ 115#/24"/2 pood. That was a good one but I should have gone heavier with the presses and maybe tried it with the 2.5 pood.

    Don't remember my pull-up and dip numbers.
