Saturday, January 22, 2011


"bear complex"

Find a max for the following sequence

1. Power clean
2. Front squat
3. Push press
4. Back squat
5. Push press

Complete steps one through five without dropping or resting on the ground seven times for one complete bear complex.


  1. Bear Complex 7 round max - 125#. Dropped 135# on my neck, damn that hurt.

    6 strict muscle ups pre WOD, 6 post. Need to work on transitions and kipping. Haven't figured out how to rep them without letting go and re-gripping.

  2. bear complex 7 round max 135, 140 4x

  3. 135# for a full 7 rounds. Did it pretty fast - a little to sore to push the weight up. Love this workout though!

  4. 115# for 7 rounds, 125# for 3, messed up on the power clean of all places.

    Second workout was 3 tire flips+3 muscle ups, 5 rounds for time

    4:14 with the small tire. Not sure on time, so that's the slower of two options.

  5. 105#. brutal. wrist is sore but held up better than i expected.

    post: 3 min total of plank holds...2 x 1.5 min


  6. 115# lbs, had a couple problems and had to hold the bar at the waist and regrip twice.

  7. Tried 85# and failed... did a full set of 7 at 65#. I think I could have gotten a full 7 at 75#
