Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy New Year

We will have some new classes during the week and on the weekends. There will now be a 7 pm class on thrusday evening. Also 9 am classes will be added later this month. I hope everyone had a great holiday and is ready to get back in and get back to work.


find your one rep max snatch balance

Then for time

Overhead squat
Chest to bar pull ups

Post wod
30 ghd sit ups
5 minutes of snatch skill work


  1. Hey guys, part of my new year resolution is to post weekly on the blog. With that said, it is unfortunate that my 1st post this year is an apology. For all of you that showed up for 6:00AM class this morning, I am sorry! My Iphone’s alarm did not go off. I owe you guys some Burpees. Again, I am sorry.


  2. No sweat George, I ended up doing a 3 mile run, 4 rounds of 30 situps, 20 pushups and 30 air squats on my own. I am going to try to make the class tonight. I am pretty sure it would have been just you and me anyhow. I stayed until 5 after and no one else showed. Too much fun this weekend I am guessing.

  3. snatch balance: worked up to 105#, ran out of time

    metcon @ 65#: 5:58, first set of 21 unbroken as well as the 9 set. 15 set broken into 10 and 5. maybe shoulda gone heavier.

  4. Snatch balance: ran out of time at 115#

    metcon @ 75#: 7:32. Ended up doing quite a few regular pull-ups in addition to the 45 ctb ones.

  5. Snatch balance - 1 rep max at 115#, 3rd try. Not pretty but I got it. At the lower weights (105 and below) I finally started dropping instead of pressing and dropping.

    WOD (75#) 5:54. Stringing together CTB is later rounds is a major problem, rhythm is all out of wack with the extra elevation. OHS unbroken all the way. Will bump up to 85# next time.

    Tim absolutely crushed this workout! Sub 5. Working out beside him was actually kind of demoralizing, except I don't have morals.

    30 GH situps, couple minutes of snatch work, butterfly practice.

  6. snatch balance worked up to 155, more of a push press squat.

    metcon 95# green band- 7:17, pull ups sucked, ohs no problem.

  7. snatch balance was totally awkward for me. i couldn't find my balance. i only worked up to 55#.

    metcon: 55#, blue band & purple band together. 7:35. this is the heaviest i've gone for OHS and they felt pretty good. i was able to go mostly unbroken except the first round.
