Thursday, December 30, 2010


End of the year wod. Here is a longer workout so you can feel even worse tomorrow morning when you wake up. It has been an exciting year at crossfit west loop and next year will be even better. So if you can make it stop in at 9 or 10 am today and try to tackle this workout.

For time

50 kb swings American
40 walking lunges with kb
30 hang power cleans
20 pull ups
10 hand stand push ups
20 toes to bar
30 thrusters
40 wall balls
50 Kb swings Russian


  1. Looks like I have a fun Sunday ahead... have to work today and can't make it in this AM. Have fun everyone and have a safe and happy New Year

  2. this ranks up there with FGB and the AIR FORCE WOD in terms of WORST WORKOUT EVER.


    50 KBS (1.5 pood)
    40 lunges (1.5 pood)
    30 cleans (75#)
    20 pullups
    10 HSPUs (ab mat + 25lb plate)
    20 TTB
    30 thrusters (75#...awful, think i did like 36 burpees during these thrusters)
    40 WB (16#)
    50 russian KBS (1.5 pood)


  3. Absolutely brutal. Went with a 1.5 pood kb for kb movements, 75# for cleans and the first 10 thrusters, then had to drop to the bar for the last 20 thrusters. 14# for WB and one brazilian burpees.


  4. For those who didn't make it in today, Derek's surpise was that you had to do 4 burpees on the minute, every minute, air force wod style. Needless to say, once you're past 10 minutes, you can't do anything at the load or intensity that you normally would.

    24:36. 1.5 pood and 95# for the first movements, butterflied the pullups (or at least attempted to), then hit the wall after TTB. 75# thrusters, 16# wall ball (a lot were power). Took me 30 minutes to feel good enough to drive home.

  5. If I could punch a burpee in the face I would after this.

    27:22 @ 25#/15# kettlebell, 53# PC, blue band, 33# thrusters, 4# wall ball (14# wasn't even going to leave my hands at that point).

  6. 24:42

    55# kettle
    75# barbell
    16 lb wall ball
    1 abmat and 1 10 lb plate (2 10lb plates last few reps)

    this was a toughy. i liked it.

  7. sunday:


    5 shoulder-to-overhead (120#, ~70% of 1RM jerk)
    10 burpees


    post: 2 sets of 100 DUs. 1:30, 1:40...shoulders fried.

  8. i did this just under the cap on sunday! something like 29m15s, but didn't get my official time.

    25# kettlebell
    33# bar for pc's and thrusters
    4# wall ball
    kickups for my hspu's
    blue band for my pull ups
    leg raises for my ttb's

    this was pretty brutal. my head felt very cloudy afterward, in a good way.
