Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Hang Squat Snatch / Hang Power Snatch

Then For Time
50 Over Head Squats @ 95/65 or 50 % of your one rep max

Post WOD

3 Rounds for 30 Seconds of Kipping Pull Ups


  1. 3x5 pistols, unassisted but on a wall ball

    4 sets of dead hang pullups 15, 10, 8, 7. (didn't see the part about kipping being the post). Kind of weak. I blame 6am, first time coming in for this.

    WOD: 75# 3:55 25-15-10. I did this once before several months ago, anyone know the date? I'm pretty sure last time I did it at 65# and I was in the 5-6 min range, so this is a big improvement.

    Post - butterfly development.

  2. @ james, CFC site, sept 22nd. nice improvement dood.

  3. Nice James. Hey is it normal hours tomorrow?

  4. thanks thomas
    Hang Squat Snatch / Hang Power Snatch
    3-95 3-115 3-135

    september 22nd WOD: 7:27- @105#

    wod 95# 4:23

    4 kipping pull ups each round

  5. hang squat snatch: worked up to 95#...failed a few reps because not getting full hip extension and not using enough legs. when corrected, nail it.

    50 OHS @ 65#: 4:18

    9.22.10 metcon: 8:37 @ 65#...what a difference decent form makes. yet, still much room to improve as derek said I shorted a few reps.

    post: 20, 18, 20 kipping pull-ups

  6. Worked up to 95# on the hang squat snatch, did the metcon in 4:28 @ 75#. Did muscle-ups post WOD and got critiqued due to not having a full range of motion. Need to break old rockclimbing habits that I formed to prevent bad elbow tendonitis.
