Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Snatch Balance Skill Work

Bench Press
90 second AMRAP of Body Weight Bench Press
Rest 1 Minute
60 second AMRAP of Burpees

1k Row for time 


  1. snatch balance work: worked up to 75#. got the feel of catching in the bottom rather than catching midway and shifting to bottom

    bench @135 (BW=150lb), 17 reps

    burpees, 25...touch after the bench

    1k row: 3:45.9...spent.

  2. Snatch balance - got up to 85#, got under it faster than I had previously.

    WOD - Bench at 185# (178# body weight)

    16/26. I think I marked 17 on the board, but thinking back 17 was the one I failed on. Did 5, 5, 3, 3. If I did this again, I would just do sets of 3 from the start and I'd probably be able to get an extra rep or two at the end.

    1000m row - 3:36. Need to do some endurance WODs.

  3. somehow forgot to do snatch balance work. Kenyatta and i were the only ones doing todays workout. weird.

    Bench at 155 - 19 reps - havent done any bench pressing in about 2 months so i'm pleased w/ this. 175 or so body weight
    Burpees - 25

    Row: 3:45

    Paced the row a bit too much the first 300 meters or so. problaby should have given it more effort. but pleased anyway.

    55 pullups

    98 consecutive double unders pre-wod. somehow can't seem to get 100 unbroken.

  4. Like Tyler I forgot the snatch balance work too. It was really weird with just the two of us doing the workout, so we were definitely thrown off:(

    Bench at 75#-19 reps.
    Burpees-16...I sucked butt at these:(
    1K Row: I don't remember...Eric was helping me with my technique throughout. Never knew I was rowing wrong. lol.

    15 GHD situps POST WOD

  5. BW: 172, Bench Press @ 170#

    18 / 22

    1k Row: 3:43
