Saturday, December 18, 2010


As a reminder there will be a 10 am and 11 am class today.

Four Rounds of the following

500 M Row
25 Push Ups

Rest as needed between sets.  Record each round

Post Wod =  Handstand Skill Work


  1. I forgot to write these down, so by memory:
    2:11, 2:13, 2:21, then I think 2:32.

    Various handstand work, then 3 sets of HSPU: 8, 6, 5. Kind of week but considering all the other work it makes sense.

    5x5 rings rows - full depth

    Kipping work, improved form and grip a bit.

  2. wow man, you crushed that... I think my best time was like 2:30 something.

    Good stuff, but still feeling the effects of Fran

  3. 2:27, 2:41, 2:53, standard push ups.

    felt like i had to vomit after 3rd and 4th rd. saw stars. good one.
