Thursday, December 16, 2010


Rest / Make Up Day

There will now be two classes on saturday morning at 10 and 11 am.  There will no longer be an open gym at 11 am.


  1. Below is the Tuesday workout from CFChicago Website. I'd like to do this for Thursday makeup if anyone is looking for a workout.

    Back squat 1RM

    For time: (10 min cap)
    10 Power cleans (165/105 or 65% of 1RM Clean)
    20 Box jumps (24″/20″)
    8 Power cleans
    16 Box jumps
    6 Power cleans
    12 Box jumps
    4 Power cleans
    8 Box jumps
    2 Power cleans
    4 Box jumps

    Post – 20 pistols/leg

  2. Matt, it's as pleasant as a root canal. After the 1RM back squats, your legs are fried going into the box jumps. It's suppose to be a sprint, so keep the pedal to the metal until you're done.

  3. matt, it is as if you did not get enough PCs in on tuesday. looks brutal. it is between the above and the endurance workout.

  4. Hit mondays Front Squats 1rm. Got to 225 f on 235

    3x10 ghd

    2000m time trial on C2: 7.30.5

  5. 1RM Back Squat 315 didn't try past that.

    2000M Row 7.11

    Derek convincingly talked me out of doing CFChicago Tuesday workout but going forward I'm looking to pursue endurance.

  6. Did a CrossFit total because I started 3 weeks ago and wanted to see what my baseline is. Seems that my back is strong and my pressing sucks. Body weight as of one week ago was 155ish, will check again this weekend when I have access to a good scale.
    Back Squat: 225
    Strict Press: 100
    Deadlift: 330!
    Total: 655
