Friday, October 22, 2010


For those who have yet to complete the crossfit total and 1/2 Cindy, email me and we can figure out a time when you can stop in and do it.  I will be announcing the date for the finals this weekend.  Also, It will be a lot easier for all of you to begin tracking your workouts in a log because now you know your one rep max and some of the training to come will be done at a percentage of that one rep max.  A log will take the guess work out of training and allow you to focus more on lifting than trying to think how much weight to lift.  I would like to congratulate everyone on Wednesday night as well it was a fun evening and it was nice to see a lot of people get some pr's!  Enough with that lets get back to business.  

Today we are going to work on our overhead squats.  This lift always causes trouble with a lot of us in crossfit.  It is a difficult lift to learn.  But if it was easy everybody would be doing it.  So after the warm-up today everyone will work slowly on building up the over head squats.  Lets get the form down first then add some weight a little later.

For time
Overhead Squats
Hang Power Cleans
Box Jumps
(All OHS weights must be cleared by a coach first)


  1. 195 air squats on Wednesday and my quads are totally smoked right now. This could get interesting.

  2. OHS are interesting in themselves. thanks for ruining my friday derek.

  3. wod 8:48 felt good on the ohs, all unbroken at 75lbs.

  4. metcon: 7:59 @ 65#...elbow tendinitis, wanted to go 75#, oh well.

    OHS are coming along. they didnt feel AS awkward as usual.

  5. WOD: 75#, 7:33*, end of bar broke off mid wod and lost time putting it together, probably 20-30 secs. OHS are improving.

  6. WOD: 8:47

    Overhead Squats #25, wish I had a longer bar so I could have spread my hands out farther for a deeper squat.
    Hang Power Cleans
    Box Steps 14"

  7. WOD: 8:21

    Used the women's bar. Overhead squats were hard but the hang power cleans easy at that weight.
