Saturday, October 16, 2010


Reminder that classes will be held at 9, 10, and 11 am.  
And we will be open at 10 am this Sunday.
Sunday 10 am classes will now be available every weekend at the west loop

Learning how to power clean.  
We will begin from the hang position and eventually work into a full power clean

Then for time
30 power clean and jerks (135/95)
Camey knocking out some double unders


  1. My hamstrings are sore today, and my lower back feels just fine, which is a good sign I did Thursday's dead lifts properly. I learn something new every workout. :)

    Did the following WOD for AMRAP: 4+10 jump pull ups
    5 front squats - 35#
    10 pull-ups - jump pull-ups
    15 power wall balls - #8 - learned how to do these properly today. Thanks Derek!

  2. no grace :( , AMRAP instead.

    5 FS (105#)
    10 pull-ups
    15 power wall balls (20#)

    5 rds +5 PWB...FS got heavy quite quickly

    besides that, work on rope climbs and finally got kipping TTBs.

    anyone up for tackling grace tomorrow?

  3. 10 minute amrap:
    5 FS (75#, nursing the knee)
    10 pullups
    15 Power wall balls 20#
