Justin and the crew over at Windy City CrossFit has invited us over for a couple of events! I would like everyone to participate if you are available. Click the dates/events below for more details.
June 5th: 2nd Annual Navy SEAL Memorial Challenge - AKA "Murph" Day 2010
This is a great cause to help the NSW Foundation. If you can't make it, feel free to send a small donation with a participating athlete.
July 10th: WCCF Summer Weightlifting Meet
The picture below was from the Winter Weightlifting Meet. It was a ton of fun! All of you that participated last year, post to comments what you thought about when we dragged you to sign up... and also how much fun it actually was.
Pulling position on the olympic lifts
Then for time:
10 power cleans (165/100 or 60-70% of 1RM)
50 Double unders
8 Power cleans
40 Double unders
6 Power cleans
30 Double unders
4 Power cleans
20 Double unders
2 Power cleans
10 Double unders
Post skill: 3 x 10 GHD Sit-ups
Post progress and time to comments.
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ReplyDeleteAs a heads up, the big CrossFit Chicago Anniversary Party is happening on May 8th. Lots of fun to be had and you can even cheer on the coaches as they do a special Coaches WOD. Friends and Family are invited. More details to come.
ReplyDeleteAlso, our friends from CrossFit Rockford will join us for a special WOD and BBQ on May 15th.