Chris, Jen, and Emi putting in some work upstairs.
Regular - Back Squat 3x3
Advanced - Back Squat 3x10 @ 55% of 1RM (work on bar speed)
Then 5 rounds for time of:
10 CTB pull ups
20 Wall balls
3 x max L-sit (2 min rest)
Post loads and time to comments.
Are you interested in improving your 5k time? How about preventing running injuries? Be part of the first CrossFit Chicago Endurance class where you'll receive training directly from Coach Rudy, specialized running programming, and more. If you're in the class, your visits don't count against your per week Crossfit class total. Only 10 spots are available in our pilot class so make sure you can committ to a 4-week program that meets twice a week. The class is open to all levels. Classes will be at the Lincoln Park location at 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you're interested, please email Jonny at with the following information: Name, most recent 5k time, current membership package level, and why you're interested in taking the class. Classes start next Tuesday, so get those legs ready!