Tuesday, November 30, 2010



1K row
50 Thrusters (45/33)
30 Pull Ups

3 x Max reps of HSPU

Sign Up Sheets for the finals on this Saturday Dec 4th will be in the box tonight.  Great job everybody on the workout last night.  Good to see everyone stick it out and run outside in the beautiful Chicago weather!

Monday, November 29, 2010


This Saturday December 4th is the finals for the Crossfit total and 1/2 Cindy Challenge.  There will be a sign up sheet at the box for time slots.   Heats for the finals will be run in 20 min intervals just like the first go around.  This will NOT count towards your 3 day membership so feel free to get your workouts in during the week.  If you were not around for the for the first Crossfit Total feel free to sign up and do it on Saturday.  There will also be sign up sheets for food and refreshments on Saturday.  Anything and everything (paleo or not) will be appreciated.


Memorial WOD

Kari was first and foremost a CHEERleader- in so many ways. She passed away unexpectedly on May 11th, 2010 from a fatal brain hemorrhage. If you knew her, you'd know how much she meant to people. If you were a stranger, she would treat you as if you meant the world to her - even after only having known her for five minutes! This extended not only to social pursuits, but also to her passion for physical therapy and rehabilitation. As a friend, caretaker, fellow Crossfitter, and a Warrior; Kari fought adversity with love, passion, and unconditional support. Thank you so much for participating in honoring her passion and memory; she is surely cheering you on as fight through this workout!

For Time

11 Push Press/Jerks (155/95)
11 CTB Pull Ups
400 M Run
29 Power Cleans (155/95)
29 Burpees
400 M Run
28 Dead Lifts (155/95)
28 Box Jumps (24”/20”)
400 M Run 

Dress Accordingly for 400 M Run or sub 200 Single Under Jump Rope

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Rest/ Make-up

There will be class at 10 AM Today.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Hang Power Snatch

For Time

4 Rounds

10 Thrusters (115/85)
25 Double Unders

Post Wod =
30 Glute Ham Raises
3 Min Plank Hold (Partition as needed)

Friday, November 26, 2010


We will have class at 5 pm and 6pm.  Hours will remain the same for Saturday and Sunday.    Dot forget next Saturday is the Crossfit Total and 1/2 Cindy finals.  Sign up sheets will be in the gym on monday.


500 m Row Time Trial


For Time

30-20-10 reps of the following

SDHP (65/45)
Power Wall Ball (20/14)

Post WOD = 3 x 10 Ring Rows
3x10 Strict To to bar

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hours Today will remain normal.  We will have class tomorrow on Thanksgiving at 9 am.  There will be no 6 am class on Friday.  Do not forget that next Saturday is the crossfit total and 1/2 Cindy Challenge finals.

Squat Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1

For Time

50 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
150 Air Squats 

Must complete in order

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Hours will remain normal tonight with class at 5, 6, and 7pm.  

Skill Work on Split Jerks

3 minutes for as many reps as possible of Box Jumps (20/14)
Rest 2 Minutes
2 minutes for as many reps as possible of KB Swings (1.5/1)
Rest 2 Min.
1 Min. for as many reps as possible of Burpees

Record each rep for each round 

3x10 GHD Sit ups 

Monday, November 22, 2010


For Time 

7 Rounds
10 Dead Lifts @ 135/95
5 Toes to bar 

Post wod
3 min Amrap of double unders
3 x 10 Back Extensions

Hours for this week will remain the same for Monday through Wednesday.  There will be no class on Thursday.  There will also be only afternoon hours on Friday.  The sched. will be posted on the board and feel free to email me with questions or time requests for the upcoming week.  Again there will be no class on Thursday and no 6 AM Friday morning.  All other class times will remain open.  

Saturday, November 20, 2010


For Time

1 K Row
30 Push Ups (Release hands at the bottom)
30 Pull Ups

Post Wod =

3x10 Ring Push Ups
3x10 GHD Sit Ups

Friday, November 19, 2010



5 Rounds of the Bear Complex

One Round equals 5 repetitions of the following sequence.  Steps one through five must be done in sequence with out ever dropping the bar or stopping at the bottom.  Again each round of the complex will consist of five rounds of the following.  This workout is NOT for time. 

One round equals five times through this sequence without ever stopping or dropping the bar.  Rest as needed between rounds and record each set. 

1. Power Clean
2. Front Squat
3. Push-Press
4. Back Squat
5. Push-Press

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Rest Day / Make Up Day

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Find your 1 Rep max Power Clean


As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of the following

5 Pull ups
10 Goblet Squats with a KB
15 KB Swings

Use the same weight for the goblet squats as with the KB Swing

Post wod = 3x10 Tempo Ring Rows 3oXo
3x10 Back Extensions 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Press 5-3-1+
(67.5%, 76.5%, 85.5%)


4 rounds for time
400 M Run
10 Push or Split Jerks @ (135/95 or 50-60% of 1rm Jerk)

Post WOD

3 Max Sets of Handstand Push Ups

Monday, November 15, 2010


Dead lift 5-3-1+
(67.5%, 76.5%, 85.5%)

7 Rounds for time of the following

10 Wall Balls
10 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
 Once you begin either one sets must be done unbroken.  If you drop the wall ball or set the bar down with out finishing the set of ten then you must repeat the set from the start.  

Post Wod = 3x8 Bent over Rows Tempo 3oXo

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Don't forget to check the board today for the information on the paleo put luck tonight.

Then for time


Reps of the following

KB Swings (Heavy)
Toes To Bar
Box Jumps 24/20

Post wod = 3 min plank hold ( Partition as needed)  and 500 m row Time Trial

Friday, November 12, 2010


Remember to check the board when you come in tonight for information on the paleo pot luck tomorrow night.  Also, we are coming up on the half way point of the crossfit total challenge.  Sit down for a minute and think about how much progress you have made so far in three weeks.  Remember the finals will be on Saturday December 4th.


Find a new 1 RM for Weighted Pull Up

For Time:

3 Rounds

10 CTB Pull Ups (Chest to Bar)
10 Front Squats (165/105) or 50-55% of one rep max back squat
10 Burpees

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Find your 1 Rep Max for Over Head Squat 


Find your 1 Rep Max Hang Squat Snatch

If you are just starting out and are not comfortable or familiar with the hang squat snatch then you will be working towards finding you OHS 1 Rep max. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Remember to check the board when you come in for information about the paleo pot luck this weekend.  Also remember to keep december 4th open if you can for the finals of the Crossfit Total and 1/2 Cindy Challenge.  Do not worry if you can not attend there will be make-ups available before and after that date.


Press   3-3-3+  63%-72%-81%


Double Unders
Push Ups ( hands off the ground at the bottom)
Sit Ups

Tempo Handstand Push Ups 30X1
3 sets of max reps

For those of you who have handstand push ups already focus on the tempo.  3 seconds down, zero seconds at the bottom, how ever long it takes you to return to the top then rest for one second.  If you need to scale just do regular handstand push ups for three sets of max reps.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Dead Lift
3-3-3+  63%-72%-81%

3 x 8 Bent Over Rows
3 x 5 Weighted Step Ups


2 Minutes for as many reps as possible of Power Cleans (135/95)

Rest for 30 Sec

2 Minutes for as many reps as possible of Box Jumps (24/20)

Remember to stick to your percentages on the dead lifts.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Rest Day/ Make - Up

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Find Your One Rep Max Split Jerk

Post Wod= 10 x 100 m Row   Rest 30 Seconds

Friday, November 5, 2010


Squat 3-3-3+

For time 4 Rounds of
5 Hang squat cleans (Heavy)
10 Broad Jumps
15 sit-ups

As a reminder, the Crossfit Total and 1/2 Cindy finals will be held on Saturday December 4th.  The finals will be the same as the baseline.  I will post a sign up sheet for times about two weeks prior.  Please email me with any questions.  

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today we are going to focus on two complex movements, the thruster and the sumo dead lift high pull.  To correctly complete each of these exercises you will need to focus on form first, then speed.  Just always remember to pull your hips back as you descend and to drive through your heels as you stand.  As a reminder I Have now updated the class schedule to reflect the new class times.  

For Time
7 Rounds

7 Thrusters
7 Pull Ups
7 Sumo Dead lift High pulls
Rest exactly 30 secs between rounds.  

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Why do you come to crossfit?  Is it strength, endurance, rehabilitation, better health, or even the competition?  Each of you should constantly be asking yourself this question.  Why?  I believe that all of us have a few or many goals in regards to our own physical health.  These goals will change from time to time and they should.  But I also want you to keep in mind that you should pick some short term goals and see them through.  Crossfit presents a lot of new and challenging exercises and movements such as power lifting, olympic lifting and gymnastics.  I, much like everyone in the gym, want to master every movement but sometimes i let that cloud my judgment.  I have seen my best results when i have narrowed my goals for shorter time periods.   For instance my double unders were pretty bad for a long time.  So I dedicated about five minutes of every workout to improving my double unders and now i feel more comfortable with them.  Take a few minutes and figure out one or two things you can improve in and over the next few weeks spend a little extra time on getting better at it.

Press 5-5-5+   (58.5%-67.5%-76.5%)

Then as many rounds as possible in 15 mins. of the following
10 power wall balls (14/8)
20 KB swings (less than 1.5 pood)
50 Single under jump rope

Monday, November 1, 2010


5 Rounds For Time 
5 Dead Lifts (275/185 or 70-75% of your 1RM Dead lift )
10 Burpees

Accessory work
3x8 Barbell Lunges (Each Leg)
3x8 Weighted Good Mornings
3x10 GHD sit-ups

Just a reminder:  classes are now at 5pm on monday, tuesday, wednesday and friday.  Also check the board for upcoming events such as the paleo pot luck dinner and links to the west loop paleo blog.  If you have not checked it out already you should.