Monday, November 15, 2010


Dead lift 5-3-1+
(67.5%, 76.5%, 85.5%)

7 Rounds for time of the following

10 Wall Balls
10 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
 Once you begin either one sets must be done unbroken.  If you drop the wall ball or set the bar down with out finishing the set of ten then you must repeat the set from the start.  

Post Wod = 3x8 Bent over Rows Tempo 3oXo


  1. Dead lifts: 110#-125#-140#(9)

    WOD: 13:55 with 12# WB, 65# HPC

    Today seemed to be the day I completely forgot everything I knew about Power Cleans and couldn't find proper form until round 5, but at least everything was just about unbroken*.

    (*Okay, I broke the Cleans on #8 of round 6, but damned if I was about to start over)

  2. deadlift burpees are the new fad. thanks john G.

    DLs: 185-205-230(4)

    metcon: 10:17 @ 85# HPC, 20#, this one sucked. i was trying to find anyway to not drop the bar rounds 5-7. brutal.

    post: 3x8 bent over tempo rows @85#

  3. DL's: 110 - 125- 140 (10)

    WOD: 9:47; 60# HPC, 12# WB. This wod was tough! broke a set of my wall balls and had to start over and really struggle not to drop the bar...

  4. DL: 315-365-405x2
    Could have done more, the rip in center of my hand held me back.

    Metcon Rx'd: 7:14

    Rows @ 115#s

  5. Felt good today.
    Deadlifts: 230-260-280
    Metcon Rx'd: 1033
    Rows at only 75#

  6. Deads: 240x5, 270x3, 305x2 (lost my back on teh 2nd rep).

    Metcon: rx 20# walls and 95# HPC


    That was a grip killer. tried the hook grip on one round but gave it up.

  7. WOD RX 9:28. I really half-assed this. Too concerned with not breaking the sets and took unnecessarily long breaks.

  8. DL
    315-355-395x1 first time deadllifing in two months so took it easy>
    Metcon rx:

    Hope the 5pm group like the warm up. gotta love burpee deadlifts. thanks Crossfit Pia

  9. Deadlifts: 95x5, 107x3, 120x4

    Metcon: 8# walls and 50# HPC

    this was awful. probably should have gone a little lighter on the HPC's but i'm glad i pushed myself. it felt like this took me foreeeeever to get through. i was trying to hard not to put the bar down but had to during the 7th and 8th round. my arms just gave out.


  10. deadlifts 212X5, 240X3, 275X3

    metcon 7:39 #75 hpc #14wall balls. can go heavier on both next time

  11. DL: 120X5, 133X3, 150X1 (I wanted one more but I could not do it)

    MetCon: 11:31
    8#WB,65# HPC (only for Round 1, then went to 55# for Rounds 2-7)

    Round 7 I broke at 4 HPC's and had to restart -that was BRUTAL

  12. dl 210x5 240x3 270x6 lost my grip

    metcon rx 8:22 need to get elbows underneath the bar.

    rows 65 85 105

  13. DL: 185X5, 210X3, 235X3

    MetCon: 12:53. (12# WB and 65# HPC) sooooo heavy on the HPC, everything unbroken until 7th round, had to break up the HPC.

    still wasn't feeling so well. :(

    rows- 3X8 25#bar
