Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Remember to check the board when you come in for information about the paleo pot luck this weekend.  Also remember to keep december 4th open if you can for the finals of the Crossfit Total and 1/2 Cindy Challenge.  Do not worry if you can not attend there will be make-ups available before and after that date.


Press   3-3-3+  63%-72%-81%


Double Unders
Push Ups ( hands off the ground at the bottom)
Sit Ups

Tempo Handstand Push Ups 30X1
3 sets of max reps

For those of you who have handstand push ups already focus on the tempo.  3 seconds down, zero seconds at the bottom, how ever long it takes you to return to the top then rest for one second.  If you need to scale just do regular handstand push ups for three sets of max reps.


  1. Press: 95-105-120-135x4

    Metcon: 6:30something. Games PU's destroyed me. Tried to keep best form I could throughout. Next time not as fast through the first two rounds. I was dead by the last couple.

    Tempo HSPU: 3,1,1
    Shoulders. Fried.

  2. Press: 80x3, 90x3, 100x6

    metcon: 6:05

    Paced the pushups from the get go. did sets of 5, 4 etc. Unbroken on the double unders and situps. My chest froze up towards the end.

    tempo HSPU: 4, 3, 3 w/ 2 abmats

  3. Press: 95x3, 115x3, 125x10

    metcon 11:20

    hspu 4/3abmat 2/2abmat 1/2abmat

  4. This was quite a workout. The push ups were brutal! Luckily, I had Rae next to me giving some encouragement. I needed it. Thanks Rae!

    Pres: 40x3, 45x3, 55x9

    Metcon: 18:15

  5. this was a fun one. i always like the body weight workouts for some reason.

    Press: 33x3, 38x3, 43x5 i seriously need to get some weights at home or something so i don't have to face the humiliation of pressing just the bar when i get to the box... haha. it's not actually embarrassing, but it is frustrating. it makes no sense to be that weak.

    Metcon: 11:25 with singlele unders. didn't have to do any burpees though. push-ups on my knees. slow with sit-ups as always.

  6. Wendy you are a ROCK STAR! So proud of you!!

    Press - 35X3 40X3 45X7

    Metcon: 12:23
    My ridiculous math skillz (or lack there of tonight) lead me to do 75 single unders EACH ROUND instead of 75-60-45-30-15. However, ALL were unbroken, no burpees.

    Did not attempt the HSPU - still a bit intimidated of it.

  7. did this wednesday before class:

    7:20...DUs and situps unbroken. push ups were killer. really worked on keeping a plank all the way through and not "worming" them up.

    tempo hspu: 3, 2, 2 w/ 1 ab mat.

  8. metcon: 7:20, DUs and situps unbroken, really worked on not "worming" up during the push ups

    tempo hspu: 3,2,2 w/ 1 ab mat
