Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday/open gym!

Back Squat 5-5-5+

(1RM x 63%/72%/81%)

Deadhang pull-up 2x max (60 sec rest)
Kipping pull-up 1x max

Then, 10 Rounds for time of:
3 Thrusters (Sectional athletes 135/95) or 70% of 1RM Press
6 Toes-to-bar
9 Box jumps (24"/20")

Post loads, reps, and times to comments.


  1. Came by to check out CFWL today! Huge space!

    Back Squat: skipped due to hip
    2x max deadhangs: Still don't have one yet but the negatives I worked on felt stronger than before. Also, thanks for the alt grip tip, Kerry. I was too tired to try it today but will give it a go next time.
    1x max kipping pullups: 4. Felt weak today on these. I have been working on these quite a bit since I can't seem to do much else with the hip.

    Alt Metcon: JT (aka upper body killer)
    21-15-9 of HSPUs / ring dips / push ups
    HSPUs through first round with 2 ab mats. Had to drop to 3 ab mats on the next two rounds. Ring dips with the flat clear band. I tried to do regular push ups but after HSPUs and ring dips, my body wouldn't let me so I did them on knees.

    Thanks John and Kerry for a solid 2pm class at WL!

  2. First time at West Loop. Great space!

    Back squats 5-5-5: 150-172-195(11)
    dead hang PU: 4,3
    kipping PU: 4 (hand hurt and gave out)

    metcon: 11:39 @ 95#
    Thrusters were pretty easy. Should have gone 10# heavier for doing only 3 reps. Got slowed down by toe to bars bit time.
