Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Wednesday 27Jan10

Snatch (work on pulling bar into correct bar path and speed)

4 rounds of:
6x 30m sprints
15 thrusters (45/33)
10 pull-ups

Post loads, progression, and time to comments.


  1. Snatches, just worked on some form with bar because I had Jonny's oly class coming up later.

    metcon: 7:34 I think. No breaks in thrusters. Pull ups were 10, 10, 10, 5-3-2

    1st week of Jonny's oly lifting class afterwards. Got lots of good tips and things to watch out for and think about that I didn't do before.

  2. Worked on Snatch form and slowly its improving, I think. Nice job coaching Jonny.

    Metcon 10:24
    300m Row
    15 Thrusters (unbroken)
    10 Pull-ups (unbroken)

  3. Great job today guys. The form is getting there. Keep practicing the fundamentals and remember that the snatch is a quick movement through 4 or 5 small movements. Do them in order and you'll rock it.
