Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Snatch again

Tuesday 20Jan10

Power Snatch 5-5-5+
(add 5# to your max) 63%/72%/81%

3x5 Glute-Ham Raise or development

Then for time, reps of:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Hang power clean 60% of 1RM
Ring Dips

Post loads, reps/progress, and time to comments.


  1. #85 5:34. Nice short WOD.
    Power cleans with Billy - 75/85/95

  2. Good work for the first Tuesday at the new box. hope to see everyone back next week. Also, i will be coaching a 2pm and a 3pm session this saturday and this should be a regular class going forward.

  3. Metcon: 4:54 @ 135#

    First metcon I've been completely satisfied with in a while. All unbroken.
