Thursday, October 14, 2010

Active Rest Day/ Make-up

Lot of folks came into the box today a little sore from the tabata squats. Make sure that you make your rest day an ACTIVE REST DAY. What does that mean? Walk the dog, stretch, play a sport, or do anything active. This will help prevent that muscle soreness from hanging around.

Crossfit Total and Cindy Challenge Update!

1 Make sure you sign up or see me if you have a time issue
2 Start to think of a plan of attack. (What weights should i start at? How much should i warm up? How long before i workout should i eat and also what should I eat before i come into the gym?)
3 When you have a few extra minutes use the internet and look up the three lifts (squat, dead lift, and strict press.) There is an abundance of good information out there from video tutorials to easy tips that can help you perform better. also has videos on every lift or exercise we do every day!
4 Lets get everyone involved! This will be a great way for all of us to track and actually see our results. If you put in the effort for five weeks you will see some good things happen.


  1. Wednesday's WOD:
    7 rounds plus 5 deadlifts at bodyweight 180#

  2. I'm one of the sore folks. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever not be sore doing CF. I'm sore every single day. LOL!

    I did Wednesday's wod today.

    Met Con
    AMRAP in 12 mins: 6 + 25 single unders
    15 DOUBLE UNDERS - switched to single unders after knees started to kill
    15 BOX JUMPS (14)step ups

  3. Thursday I made up Tuesday's WOD. Played with my balance on the hand stands. I finally got my whole body except for my heels away from the wall and started trying to free stand (and I was able to for 3 seconds at a time). I seem to put too much weight on my wrists instead of the "balls" of my palms.

    My rowing team lost the 3K challenge thanks to my over-thinking my form in the beginning. Great tips from Derek on maximizing the row efficiency.
