Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Use your time after the warm-up to work on the jerk.  Split jerk or push jerk which ever you want to do just spend 20 mins exploring and figuring out how to correctly do push or spilt jerks. 

CrossFit One World Movement Library - The Push & Split Jerk from crossfitoneworld on Vimeo.

Then for time

5 Rounds of
7 Push Press  (70% to 80% of 1 RM Press)
7 Burpees
(This one will and should be heavy.  You will need proper form to execute heavy push presses.) 

Post Workout=  2 min total handstand hold.  Partition as needed


  1. 6 rounds at 1:10
    1 round at 95 7:05

  2. 100 DUs: 1:21...thought that was good until tyler went off and did ~95 straight and just about cracked 1 min

    worked on push press: 5x75#, 5x75#, 5x85#, 5x95#
    worked on clean and jerk: 115#

    metcon: 4:58 @ 95#...push press got heavy in a hurry, burpees quick throughout.

    post: 4x:30 handstand holds for a total of 2min.

  3. Metcon: RX at 145 4:32
    maybe could shave 20-30 seconds off this, last set of push press was pretty broken up and ugly.

  4. 100 Double unders for time. 1:04ish. Good push from Tom. botched it at 97 or 98 consecutive. like that speed rope.

    metcon at 105# - 4:12 - most of the push presses ended up being jerks.

    4x30 sec handstand. tough after the wod.
