Sunday, October 10, 2010

There is a "Y" in The Road!

Steve getting in some toe-to-bars

Monday October 11th

Today at the west loop we are going to begin our drive down a different road. Some of you may ask is this road going to be different than the road that Crossfit Chicago Lincoln park is on and if it is then why? The answer to that question is most definitely yes and most definitely no! Our goals at both locations will always be the same and that is to provide an environment where you as a member learn how to become a stronger and healthier person. Where the road will split is how we get there and how we achieve our goals. My goal first and foremost is to help all of you reach your goals. Yes all of our individual goals differ greatly. Some want to lose weight while others wish to gain weight and become stronger. What I intend to do is to program workouts that fit us and what our specific needs are here at the west loop. These workouts will be based upon what we need to focus on and will be workouts that will help us reach our goals quicker. So here it goes!

Day 1
Tabata Squats
4 mins. of 20 sec of work followed by 10 sec. of rest. Record each round and total score

Then For time:
5 Rounds of the following
7 Strict Pull Ups or 7 negative pull ups
10 Wall Balls

If anyone ever has a question or concern about anything please feel free to email me at


  1. good to see we finally got a blog and working site.

  2. Glad to see real pull ups back in a WOD! Should be fun.

  3. Tabata Squats these take it out of you, high round 18 low round(4th) 11.

    for time: 7:30ish one strict pull-up each time

    pod situps

  4. tabata squats: 18-19-20-18-18-17(f#@k)-19-18

    metcon: 6:11, 20# WB, strict pull-ups

    post: HSPUs 3x max reps (1ab mat)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Nice - now we just need everyone to post!

    Tabata Squats: First 7 rounds @ 20, last round @ 22. 162 total

    Metcon: 6:20 20#WB.

  7. Tabata air squats 19 min, 160 total. Basically all 20's with one 19 and one 21.

    WOD: 3:34. pullups unbroken first 3 rounds, wall balls unbroken all the way (I think). Thank you Derek for the tailor made WOD! Can I get all push ups and sit ups next WOD?

    Post: 3x10 situps on whatever you call that machine thingee.

  8. Tabata Squats

    Metcon 7:31
    Probably only half of the PU were actually strict without a little kick at the top.

  9. Tabata Squats

    Metcon 7:31
    Probably one half of the PU were strict without a little kick at the top.

  10. @ Drywall- its called a Glute-Ham Developer or GHD : )

    tabata air squats 17/138 total

    Metcon: 7:16
    PU negatives were killer!!! But I asked for more pull-ups, and boy did I get them! But keep it up and hopefully I'll be doing strict and kipping PUs without a band in no time!
    Looking forward to the Challenge...

  11. 21, 20, 21, 21, 20, 19, 16, 14 =152

    5:52 metcon w/ 20#ball.

    Killer on the legs. Litterally collapsed after the 7th tabata round. My chicken legs need some work.

  12. Tabata Squats 23-23-20-21-19-20-20-20

    Metcom 20# WB, strict pull ups 8:13

  13. Tabata squats: 22,22,22,22,22,22,22,21 = 175 Was in the bottom position of the 22nd squat when time was called. Ugh.

    Metcon: 5:45. Can't remember when the last time I did a strict pull up, this was a good change of pace. Wall Balls still a weakness.

  14. Tabata Squats – Max reps
    22×5 rounds
    20×3 rounds

    Total = 170

    Made this up on Tues morning. Last nights thruster/box jump wod caught up to me here.

    5 rounds:
    7 dead hang pull ups
    10 wall balls (subbed pair of 20# dumbbells)

    Time – 5:27

    Muscle fatigue in dead hangs kept me from a sub 5. Muscle conditioning on these have gone WAY down!

  15. Tabata Squats

    Metcon 7:34

  16. Tabata Air Squats: Total 96

    WOD: (DNF?) 10:03 (Thank u Coach Eric for pushing me! For a second, I thought I wouldn't finish. Terrible Terrible time - but I completed the WOD)
    Urbanathlon this Saturday - resting the remainder of the week.

  17. Tabata air squats: 119 total/High 16, Low 13

    WOD: 6:10 (negative pull-ups & 14# WB)

  18. tabata squats: 135

    metcon: 8:11, negative pull-ups (oh so painful) and 14# WB
