Friday, October 15, 2010

Start the Presses!

What will this be loaded with next Wednesday?


Today we will dive head first into the beginning of the shoulder to over head series. Series you ask? Yes today's focus will be on the strict press. This movement lays down some of the foundations that we will use when push pressing, split jerking, push jerking, thrusters or any other lift that requires you to move a load from shoulder to over head. Everything will be covered from foot and hand positions to what the rest of our body should be doing while pressing. Its always been one of my favorite lifts so lets get pressing!

After our warm-up I want you to investigate the press. I do not want to you to find your max but i do want you to put some weight on the bar and discover what the press is all about. Do i push through my heels or toes? Is my back arching to much? Are my legs bending? As you work at the press start to think about what a good starting weight will be for next weeks crossfit total challenge. (And please don't freak out everyone, strength training will return shortly after the total)

Then For Time
4 rounds of....
400m Run
15 Toes to Bar
5 Handstand push ups (those who do not have handstand push ups will work on kicking into a handstand against the wall for 5 reps)


  1. press: 3x5, 3 @75#...worked on breathing at the top and keeping a tight core.

    metcon: 11:10, 1 ab mat for HSPUs. Good race this morning. TTBs slowed me down big time. need to work on kipping these.

    looking forward to the challenge.

  2. D...
    Blog looking good bro. One question, when I see 'TEMPO 30/0 squats, press, etc' on a WOD what does that mean exactly?

    Been following CFC for last month, gonna switch to CFWL next week...

    this am...
    STRICT PULLUPS: 19, 15, 12
    HSPU" 7,6,4 (I suck at these, need some work)

    MET CON- 11:37 ...low back was tight, hard to recruit the hip snap for the snatches....


  3. Resting today for the Urbanathlon tomorrow. Truly starting to recover from my time away and hoping I do well tomorrow. My quads are still tight from the tabata squats!

    Good Luck to all particiating in the Urbanathlon tomorrow!

  4. Bench press - 225# - 5, 4, 3

    Press (form work), 95# 6, 4, 115# 5, 135# 3.

    WOD: 11:30. Thanks to Kurt for showing me how to kip the toes to bar, helped a TON.

    Ring Dips - 38 broken up. Wanted to do 50 but was pretty max out after all the pressing, only 3 on my last set so I called it a day.

    2 pood strict pullups - 6-7 sets, a few with 3 reps.

  5. First time posting!!

    WOD: 13:00

    I wish I had more to say on my first post...but I got nuth'in.

  6. 15:04. Running slowed me down big time but I am definitely getting better at toe 2 bars and KTE's. Finally finding a rythm.

    Good luck to the Urbanathalon participants!
