Thursday, January 13, 2011



Split jerk

Then for time
50 chest to bar pull ups
50 burpees

Post wod

3x8 tempo close grip bench ( 3OxO )

On Saturday January 29th CrossFit West Loop will be having a Grand Re-Opening. There will be a team workout that will start at 11 am and drinks to follow at a local bar. There will also be a new re-designed t-shirt for sale. If interested in purchasing a new shirt please put you name on the list at the box along with the size shirt you would like. Saturday the 29th will be open to any and everyone so feel free to stop in and bring someone along. Again more details to come shortly...


  1. loving the programming these past two weeks. looking forward to this WOD and of course, the party in a couple of weeks.

  2. Split Jerk x 2 - 135, 155, 175, 185 f, 185, 195 (PR)
    WOD - 5:34. Still having a hard time chain CTB when I’m tired. Started with 14, then several sets of 3, and the last 25 were fast singles. 50 burpees unbroken.

    3x8 tempo close grip bench ( 3OxO ) at 135#

  3. Jerks: 125-135-165-185-185

    Metcon: 6:21

    Bench @ 135#

  4. jerks: 115-125-135-145-150 (failed second rep, 1RM is 165#)

    metcon: 5:32. CTBs were 15-5-5-5 and then sets of 2 of 3 from there on out. burpees were broken into sets of 10 with minimal rest in between.

    no post. thumb all jacked-up.

  5. Split Jerk: 63-73-83-93-98

    Metcon: 8:03 with blue band

    After first set of 14 CTB mostly 2's & 3's. Burpees felt okay, minimal breaks.
