Tuesday, January 4, 2011



90 second amrap of body weight bench press
Followed by 90 seconds of rest
90 second amrap of burpees

12 minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following

5 handstand push ups
10 KB snatches (5 per arm)
15 Double unders

Advanced members will double the reps.

Sorry for the late post. As a reminder there will now be a 7 pm class on Thursday evenings.
Also there will be a sign up on the board for those interested in a few other class times. Please put a check by the times that you would prefer to use.


  1. bench @ 135# (~90% body weight): 20 reps
    burpees: 28

    previously on 12.7.10: 17, 25

    AMRAP at 1 pood and ab mat + 15lb plate: 6rds + 7 KBS

    AMRAP with short rest after b&b...harsh.

  2. Bench @ 115# 18 reps
    Burpees: 26

    Never benched before so that was interesting trying to judge how heavy to go.

    Metcon at 3 10# plates+ab mat/1.5 pood/30 sec DU work (averaging 13): 7 rounds flat.

    Ditto on the short rest Tom, my shoulders and triceps were sore going into the metcon.

  3. Hammered away at Monday's workout with Jacques. Thanks for the push!

    Snatch balance: worked up to 185#

    OHS 95#

    broke up the CTBs big time.

  4. Bench at 185#. 20/29. Previous was 16/26. Did the bench in sets of 3's from the start, didn't burn out as fast.

    WOD 9 rounds + 3 hspu
    Full HSPU and DU, but 30# kb. 55# was too heavy (haven't done these before) the other 35#ers were taken, but about halfway through this the motion made more sense and I started cranking them out with ease. Doing 55# afterward was manageable, will bumped up to that next WOD.

  5. Bench - 33 @ 165#, Burpees 26

    WOD - 8 + 1 HPU. RX HPU, 1 pod CTB, RX DU
