Friday, November 12, 2010


Remember to check the board when you come in tonight for information on the paleo pot luck tomorrow night.  Also, we are coming up on the half way point of the crossfit total challenge.  Sit down for a minute and think about how much progress you have made so far in three weeks.  Remember the finals will be on Saturday December 4th.


Find a new 1 RM for Weighted Pull Up

For Time:

3 Rounds

10 CTB Pull Ups (Chest to Bar)
10 Front Squats (165/105) or 50-55% of one rep max back squat
10 Burpees


  1. no weighted pull-ups, did BS 3-3-3 instead


    metcon: this one is brutal if you follow the 50-55% 1RM BS. good luck everyone.

    6:35 @ 115#

    all burpees and round 1 of CTBs unbroken, everything else...killah

  2. bs 205x3 225x3 245x8

    metcon 9:?? @145

  3. Press 95x3, 110x3, 125x6
    weighted pull ups - 1 rep max 125# (PR), 70# x3, 70#x5
    wod - 120# 6.27
