Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Find your 1 Rep Max for Over Head Squat 


Find your 1 Rep Max Hang Squat Snatch

If you are just starting out and are not comfortable or familiar with the hang squat snatch then you will be working towards finding you OHS 1 Rep max. 


  1. It IS the 235th bday of the USMC after all ;)

  2. I mean finding your 1rm could kick your butt. I'm not underestimating any WOD, I thought Mon and Tues wouldn't be that bad...we all know how those went.

  3. Went this AM and we just worked on the over-head squat and snatch. This was my first time doing both and they were really tough. I then did Tuesday's met con to finish it off.

  4. OHS 1RM: 120#, couldnt stabilize 125#

    did tuesday's WOD beforehand and the handstand pushups after.

  5. Nice work Tom. Been a hell of a long time since I've been able to OHS/Snatch anything over the bar. Still working on strengthening my shoulder so I can get back into overhead stuff. Soon I tell you, soon!

    Anyhow, did Tuesdays endurance Wod outside at 6 instead.

    800m run @ 85%
    2 minute rest
    400m run @ 100%
    1 minute rest
    400m run @ 100%
    2 minute rest
    800m run @ 85%


  6. OHS max - 145#. With more time I may still be able to go a bit higher.

    Tuesday's WOD: 5:39. Re-did a few pushups at the end when Derek mentioned my form was falling apart.

  7. OHS 60# which I was really happy about considering the last time I did the OHS WOD I could only do the 25# bar.

    Tuesday's WOD: 7:22. I did single unders and missed a couple on the first two rounds so I had to do burpees and start the count over.

  8. ohs #95 easily with terrible form. really have to work on these i really suck at them. weight no problem balance is terrible.

  9. Ran a few miles beforehand so no make-up WOD for me!

    OHS 1RM: 120#. I think I could have completed 125# but I did so many reps trying to have a good form that I was just spent at that point.
