Saturday, November 13, 2010


Don't forget to check the board today for the information on the paleo put luck tonight.

Then for time


Reps of the following

KB Swings (Heavy)
Toes To Bar
Box Jumps 24/20

Post wod = 3 min plank hold ( Partition as needed)  and 500 m row Time Trial


  1. Metcon: 9:05 2pood

    Good race with Tyler, thanks man.

    Need to work on kipping ttb. Had the whole first round down then I just somehow forgot how to do them....

  2. Definitely a good race!

    Metcon: 8:30 w/ 2 Pood

    Kipping fell apart a bit towards the end. KBs were hard but unbroken.

    3 minute plank: 1 min on, 1 min off. forgot about the rowing. Did some dead hang pullups

  3. Did yesterday's WOD

    3 Rounds: 12:22

    10 Jump Pull ups
    10 Front Squats #55
    10 Burpees - I'm really not fond of these at all

    3 minute plan: did 30 seconds at a time for 2 minutes. I just couldn't do anymore.

    Did the 500m row with the last remaining strength I had left. Didn't bother to look at the time.

  4. got this one in on sunday...what a lung burner!

    8:28 @ 1.5 pood

    all sets unbroken except "8" set of TTBs where i lost my grip. TTB kipping was good until about set "5" where i was gassed.

    post: 3 min plank, 1 min on/1 min off

    500m row: 1:44.7, 2.2s faster than last time we timed these but still putrid. want to get these down to 1:40.

  5. Bench press - 205# 5, 5, 6
    WOD: 2 pood 11.32. Holy crap, 2 pood swings are hard.
    Plank hold 2:00, 1:00
    HSPU 30x0 6, 3, 3,
    Rings dips - 10, 8, 8, 5, 5
    500m row 1:44

  6. Matt and I did this at the gym yesterday. I finished just over 10 minutes. Plank was fun...not...and rowing even worse after all that! Great work out though.
