Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Why do you come to crossfit?  Is it strength, endurance, rehabilitation, better health, or even the competition?  Each of you should constantly be asking yourself this question.  Why?  I believe that all of us have a few or many goals in regards to our own physical health.  These goals will change from time to time and they should.  But I also want you to keep in mind that you should pick some short term goals and see them through.  Crossfit presents a lot of new and challenging exercises and movements such as power lifting, olympic lifting and gymnastics.  I, much like everyone in the gym, want to master every movement but sometimes i let that cloud my judgment.  I have seen my best results when i have narrowed my goals for shorter time periods.   For instance my double unders were pretty bad for a long time.  So I dedicated about five minutes of every workout to improving my double unders and now i feel more comfortable with them.  Take a few minutes and figure out one or two things you can improve in and over the next few weeks spend a little extra time on getting better at it.

Press 5-5-5+   (58.5%-67.5%-76.5%)

Then as many rounds as possible in 15 mins. of the following
10 power wall balls (14/8)
20 KB swings (less than 1.5 pood)
50 Single under jump rope


  1. 8 Rounds + 6 Wall balls
    35lb KB
    My shoulders were completely spent from Press so my KB swings were way slower than usual.

  2. press: 70-80-95(7)

    metcon: 8+13KBS, 1 pood. didnt check the ego...shoulders spent.

  3. I did Monday's workout, and am happy to say that I actually managed to perform some semblance of a burpee. . . It was more like a squat thrust, but who cares. I'm just glad I'm doing something.

    Metcon: 11:11
    5 DL #140
    10 "Burpees"

  4. press 75-85-95(8)
    metcon 10 + kbs #25, and 10 wall balls #14

    felt good today

  5. press, 95-110-120x9
    metcon 7rounds- 0 single unders

  6. Press: 75x5, 95x5, 110x5, 125x3 f1

    Metcon @14#WB 1Pood KB: 10 rounds + 1SU ... I went for that last single under HARD. Haha

  7. did this on thursday- 8 rounds & 44 SU.
    20# KB
    8# WB

    press 50x5, 60x5, and 70x6
