Monday, November 1, 2010


5 Rounds For Time 
5 Dead Lifts (275/185 or 70-75% of your 1RM Dead lift )
10 Burpees

Accessory work
3x8 Barbell Lunges (Each Leg)
3x8 Weighted Good Mornings
3x10 GHD sit-ups

Just a reminder:  classes are now at 5pm on monday, tuesday, wednesday and friday.  Also check the board for upcoming events such as the paleo pot luck dinner and links to the west loop paleo blog.  If you have not checked it out already you should.  


  1. Metcon as Rx'd: 3:38
    Felt like I could have gone a little faster on the burpees, but kept it all unbroken, which is was what I was going for.

    Lunges: 95, 115, 125
    Good Mornings: 95,115,115
    3x10 GHD's

  2. metcon: 3:59 @ 195# (between 70 and 75% 1RM)...burpees strong, DLs not so much.


    lunges: 65, 75, 85#
    good mornings: 75, 75, 85#
    2x7 GHD situps

  3. Metcon: 6:37 @ 265#. The deadlifts killed me. Burpees were fine but i was doing single deads w/ fairly long breaks after the first round b/c my form was suffering pretty bad.

  4. 5x6 GH Raises
    3x8 weighted lunges - 45#, 95#, 105#
    GHD Situps 3x10
    weighted good mornings 3x8 45#, 65#, 75#

    WOD - modified - 5 rounds front squat at 135# and 10 burpees - 4:50

  5. WOD Rx'd: 3:41. This was a good way to start the week and sweet out some BLCs (Bad Life Choices). Its great smelling that Jamo shot for the second time around.

    Good mornings: 75, 85, 95
    Lunges: 95, 105, 115

  6. metcon 8:11@ 245#, need some serious work on deadlifts.

  7. Metcon modified: 5:57
    153# for dl's
    DL's sucked! I went slow bc I wanted to keep my form. Burpees unbroken but could have moved faster in the 2,d, 3rd and 4th rounds.

    Lunges: 45, 65, 65
    Good Mornings: 65,65,65
    No GHD's bc my lower back was on fire.

  8. 205# at 4:52. Did this on Thurs (11/4) and was wiped after doing the total/half cindy on tuesday and wednesday's work out.

  9. Metcon: 6:52 at 215#. I could not quite do 77% of my 1rm with decent form but this worked out. Dead lifts were unbroken until round 3.

    Burpees have gotten better but for some reason my only unbroken round was the 5th, go figure.

    Post was done with only a 45 bar, back is spent after doing the Wed WOD for this week.
