Friday, December 3, 2010


Be sure to sign up for a time for tomorrow.  If you can not sign up today email me and ill sign up for you.  Again feel free to bring anything you wish and as always if you have any questions email me at derek@crossfitchicago.


Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3

Post WOD = 3 x 10 GHD Sit Ups


  1. Anyone up for the Olympic meet at WCCF on the 11th?

    I just signed up. I think at least a few of us from WL are attending.

    You guys should consider it. It should be a good time!

  2. if i can drop weight to get into the 151lb class, i may do it. just 4 lbs to go. haha.

  3. I've only been able to meet a couple of people from the WL crew so far, but just wanted to say good luck on your Total and Cindy challenges tomorrow. With the programming Coach Derek has been planning and your hard work, it will be pretty cool to see all of the gains.

    Planning on getting in the "Kari" workout tomorrow, either at LP or WL.

    -AllDay (Coach Anthony)
