Tuesday, December 14, 2010



3 x 30 seconds amrap of push ups.   Rest 60 seconds in between record each round
rest as needed
3 max sets of strict pull ups.  Rest 60 seconds in between and record each round

Then for time


Power Cleans
KB Swings
Pull Ups


  1. That 10-1 combination looks pretty brutal. Will have to do this on make-up day.

  2. 14:05 w/ 63# on pc, 25# on kb, and green band!

    pushups were 20, 16, 13
    pullups were 5, 5, 4.5...yeah i know I am counting a half because i worked really hard for it. green band!

  3. Fun stuff today.

    Pushups: 29-23-16
    Pullups: 14-6-6

    Metcon @ 115#/2pood KB: 13:54

    Heavier on PC's next time, would never have finished today... still in recovery mode

  4. pushups: 30,18,14 (suhweet decline)
    pullups: 10,6,6

    metcon @ 95#/1.5pood: 11:17 i think...the clock read 13:43 when i finished and im assuming it started at 25:00. correct me if i am wrong.

    heavier on PCs next time.

  5. Tom - It didn't start at 25 min, it was higher than that when I started watching you guys. Pretty sure it was 26 min but I'm not 100% sure.

    Push ups - 40 31 22
    Pull ups. 14 10 10

    WOD 95# 1.5 pood. Did the cleans from the hang because of my back, but did the pull ups CTB. 14:19. CTB was hard because the cleans and kbs were grip killers, had to switch to doubles and singles early because I couldn't hold the swing on the bigger kip at all. Fun one!

  6. Pushup:20, 20, 17
    Pullups: 10, 7, 6

    Metcon: 55lbs on PC, 25lbs on KB, and first time not using a band during a WOD so I went a little lighter on the weights. Time: 11:40

  7. correction, metcon: 12:17. thanks james.

  8. Fun stuff today.

    Pushups: 17-16-12 (not on knees!)
    Pullups: 5-4-1 (no band!)

    Metcon @ 45#/10# KB (did walking lunges): 13:48

    Excited to do a real workout for the first time in 3 weeks. I am exhausted!! Did the workout w/ no band. Was really excited to not use a band at all today and do regular pushups.

  9. Pushups: 21-12-6
    Pullups: 7-5-3 blue band

    metcon 14:30 115# 2 pood
    green band pu

  10. Just want to say I am SO PROUD of the all the ladies moving down in bands or eliminating bands for your pull-ups!!!!! Very Cool! YOU ROCK!

    Hopefully I will be there soon too!

  11. pushups: 18-16-13 (knees)
    pullups: 4-3-2 (red band)

    metcon: something like 17:09
    used 55# for cleans and #30 for KBS. used a red band for pullups. pullups are always the slowest thing for me. trying really hard to use small bands so i can get better! my times have been way slower as a result, but i can do an unassisted kipping pull up now so that's cool. only one though.
