Tuesday, December 21, 2010


500 M Row Time Trial

Then For Time


Toes To Bar
Shoulder to Overhead any how  (65 to 75% of your one rep max)

Post Wod
3 x max rep handstand push ups
1 minute of L sits partition as needed

For all of you who helped out and pitched in to fix up the office and front room THANK YOU.  I could not begin to tell you how much that means to me.  You all went out of your way to help me out and I greatly appreciate it.  I dont think i have ever been that surprised.   


  1. 500m row TT: 1:37.7 (pr by 3 secs)

    metcon @ 120#: 8:18

    post HSPUs: 2,2,2...no ab mat
    L-hangs: 4x:15

  2. Did 105 unbroken double unders!!

    500m row: 1:35.00 Not sure if I've ever done a 500 time trial so this is a PR

    I got my ass handed to me in today's metcon. used 145# and it was way to heavy for me. Should have checked my ego @ the door. Did singles for 90% of the reps so was cleaning it each time also. F'ing brutal. My back is killing me now.

    11:35 i think. Need to work on rack to overhead (strick, push press and jerk).

    HSPU - 2 w/ 1 abmat, 6 w/ 2 abmat, 6 w/ 2 abmat

  3. 500m row 1:30.6 cant break 1:30 last time was 1:31

    metcon 135# 9:36. ttb are comical finished 10 then 4 next round. finished with knees to elbow, terrible form need to work on this.

  4. 500m row time trial - 131.6
    125# off a rack because of my back.

    HSPU 10, 8, 8 - Big Eric gave me some pointers on hand position that I need to use next time.

  5. Did the rowing time trial in 1:30.2, could have gone a little faster if I didn't come off the seat on one stroke.

    Metcon in 9:36 @ 115#, need to give my shoulders a rest, they're pretty beat.

  6. Row: 1:39 PR

    Metcon: 7:30 at #145

    HSPU on plastic bars: 5, 3. HSPU regular: 9

  7. 1:29.2 on the rower, PR.
    Metcon was up around 12:30 at 145#, really need to improve my recovery time.

  8. How do you help the "not falling" or the "not feeling" your going to fall off the row seat? I felt that the whole time and thought I couldl have done better too if not for that.
