Monday, December 27, 2010


3 times 30 second amrap of push ups.
Set one wide. Set two under shoulders. Set three close grip
Rest one minute in-between each set

Then for time

7 rounds

7 push press 95/65
7 pull ups
7 box jumps 24/20
7 sit ups

Rest exactly 30 seconds between each round and record total time including rests

Post WOD. 30 ring dips. Partition as needed
Also spend A few minutes on skill work related to spilt or push jerks. Light weight.


  1. PUs: 42 - 17 - 10

    Metcon: 8:38 - this was a fun one. Derek kept the pace going strong!

    Post: dips + maybe 12 or so jerks @ 95#

  2. pu 20 17 5

    metcon 10:30 green band

    post 30 dips red band

  3. Absolutely loved today's workout, which means tomorrow's will probably be all things that I suck at.

    Pushups 43, 35, 15

    WOD RX 7:56. Everything unbroken all the way. I had been practicing butterflies and my regular kipping rhythm was all out of wack, so I ended up dead hanging a fair amount of these because I didn't want to waste time swinging to get the form back.

    40 ring rows, 4 sets of 10. 30 didn't burn me out.

  4. PUs: 31-18-8...diamond pushups suck ass.

    metcon @ 85#: 8:48. i hate chasing dbone.

    post ring-dips: 8-8-5-5-4

  5. Push-ups 15-10-4 Ugh

    WOD: 12:21
    @ 53#, blue band, 24"

    The first WOD after a long break is always the worst.

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