Friday, December 17, 2010


Find A One Rep Max Thruster

Then For Time


21-15-9 reps of the following

Thrusters (95/65 or 55% of One Rep Max Thruster)
Pull Ups

Post Wod
3 rounds of 30 sec ring rows for as many reps as possible (rest as needed)

As a reminder there will now be a 10 and 11 am class on saturday morning.  There will no longer be an open gym at 11.  Also there will be a sign up on the board for class times on Christmas and New Years Eve.  Let me know what class times if any you would like to have.


  1. thruster max: 145#

    FRAN!!! (my most hated workout)

    @ 75#, 5:46...too many short breaks as nothing was unbroken except last set of pullups.

    no post.

  2. thruster max 185, 205 was a nice front squat

    fran 95# blue band 9:32

  3. AHH FRAN - I tweaked my back last night, hopefully I can get it fixed in time for Fran to kick my butt.

  4. Thruster max @ 93#


    6:06 with 53# & 1 red + 1 purple band (Unscientifically equivalent to 1 blue, or at least that's what I'll keep telling myself.)

  5. Thruster max - 175#
    Bench 225# - 5, 3, 3
    Fran RX - 6:07
    Ring Row 30 sec max - 15, 13, 10

    Pretty disappointed that I didn't get below 6 min. Kips fall apart when I'm tired, technique needs a lot of work.

  6. Oh, thanks to Joel and a few others at tonight's stink and drink, the Drywall Blog has been updated and will continue to be until I lose interest again. I'm back on the wagon. Err, off the wagon. Whichever.

  7. damn. pissed i missed the stink and drink. (ill keep the rhyming to a minimum in my next post)

  8. 175# Thruster w/ a little jerk in there.

    7:12 Fran at 95#.

    Fran was brutal! Need to work on my thrusters. those killed me.

    bummed to have missed the stink and drink. i had a barking puppy to tend to. Next time for sure!

  9. thruster max: 63#, failed at 73# eric is convinced that 73 is actually my max

    Fran at 33# with a blue band, 5:00 on the dot.

    did all thrusters unbroken somehow. i hate thrusters.
    did the first 21 pull ups in 16, 2, 1 which was really surprising for me.
    i didn't really think or feel while i was doing this but a minute or two after the workout i suddenly couldn't feel my arms.

  10. Thruster max was 135#, definitely need to work pressing.
    Fran was 6:41 @ 75#, pullups sucked much more than the thrusters, never really got a good rythm.
