Sunday, December 26, 2010



Front squat


Then 8 minutes for as many rounds as possible of the following

5 single arm Russian KB swings (5 each arm)
10 dead lifts at 50 to 55 % of your one rep max
15 double unders

Post wod
Skill work on cleans for 5 minutes

Hours will remain as normal monday through thursday. Friday we will have class at 9 and 10 Am. There will be no class on Saturday. 10 am class on sunday morning.


  1. FS: 135-145-155(91% of 1RM)

    AMRAP @ 1.5 pood and 155#: 5 rds + 2 DL

  2. Front Squat 3x3 - 136, 165, 185. Got 1 rep at 205, didn't fail but knew getting 3 wasn't in the cards.

    WOD - subbed rings rows because of back. 1.5 pood kb.

    6 rounds + 9 kbs.

    4x5 GH raises - 2 sets pre-wod, 2 sets post-wod

  3. FS: 175-185-205 bit worried about hip today, took er easy.

    Metcon 1.5pood / 250# DL: 5rounds + 3kbs

  4. FS: 145-165-175. Tried 185 but failed on the second rep, max is 205.

    Metcon: 1.5 pood/185#/30 sec DU work: 5 rounds.
