Friday, December 24, 2010


There will be class today at 9 AM and 10 AM

Find your One Rep Max Weighted Pull Up

Then for time


Hang Squat Clean  (115/75)
Pull Ups

Post Wod   3 Max rep sets of Ring Rows


  1. Hotel WOD - 150 burpees for time. 9:50. Flew through the first 30, then it got hard. 5's and some 10's, kept breaks as short as I could.

    Did some dumbell work for bi's, tri's, chest, and back.

  2. weighted pull-ups: 55#, failed 60#

    metcon @ 95# (55% of 1RM FS): 8:14

    post: 15, 9 then with feet on 20 inch box-6,5

    happy holidays.

  3. weighted pull-ups: 5, 10, 15 fail

    metcon @115 10:27 green band

  4. Weighted pull-ups got to 65#, failed with the 2 pood kb.

    Metcon in 9:15 @ 95#, felt alright except for my forearms, which are still pumped.

    Happy holidays to all.

  5. Pull-ups - NONE
    metcon @ 0lbs Time: also zero
    Post wod - didn't bother

    I should also add that I drank too much last night and didn't make it in this morning.

    Have a great xmas everyone!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Just pulled Annie off in a garage and am happy to have just finished a full one...

    First time I got to around 35 situps and my folks opened the garage and almost backed into me wearing headphones. Couldnt hear them, they didn't see me at first.

    3 min rest. Restarted completely.

    Second time the handle broke off the jump rope at 48 DU's. What the hell. I'm pissed by this point.

    30 second rest. Restarted completely.

    Finished the damn thing and way to slow: 7:54

    I need a beer. Have a good holiday everyone.

  8. Bench at 185# - 11, 9, 7

    Weighted pull up - 120#. Failed 3x at 125#.

    WOD (95# power cleans instead of squat cleans because of back) - 5:41. Back hasn't had any pain for a week, I'm hoping to start adding things in within a couple weeks.

    Rings rows, feet on a box - 10, 8, 7

    Worked on butterflies.
