Thursday, December 2, 2010



Remember to sign up for a time slot for Saturday.  There will not be a normal 10 am class.  Also please email me if you are bringing anything so i can organize what we need.  The format for saturday will be the same as the first time.  You will start working out at the time you chose so you will need to show up early to warm-up.  Feel free to come early or hang around after.  


  1. priceless. anyone else thinking of making up "jackie" tonite?

  2. I'm there for Jackie at 6. Let's rock this.

    Kels, me too! My boss calls me a hoss, though. :)

  3. I hate to shatter your egos, ladies, but the other girls just don't want to change the water. No joke, whenever we have a new girl start, we make them change the water on the first day under the guise that we need to make sure all employees can do it. But really it is just to see if any struggle so we can get a laugh. Despite this, I've never seen anyone incapable of actually doing it, just a lot of women who avoid doing it at all costs. No idea why.

  4. We should fill the empty ones at the box with sand so you all can practice :)

  5. I am going to take this in another related direction. We should totally incorporate keg tossing into a WOD.

  6. I refuse to change out the water cooler. I always picture the huge water jug somehow falling and water spilling everywhere. Plus, its like filling my tires w/ air.... I just don't want to do it. And I know that someone else will.

    Have fun w/ Jackie! It looks brutal.

  7. Thank you Camey. See, I wasn't making that up.

    As for keg tossing, maybe we should just get a keg for Saturday. Finish it for time, throw it for distance.

    I think we may be setting the all time WL record for most comments on a rest day.

  8. I know anyone can get the water bottle up there somehow, but not just anyone can do it without spilling AND so the logo is centered over the spout (because I'm OH-so OCD like that...).

    So, whatevs. I'm totally proud of my superior water jug changing abilities. They can all be wimpy and supposedly "choose" not to change it (even though we all know the real truth).

  9. whoa WL.

    Keg saturday = great idea.

    also, recently at beer olympics- leanne and i both lost due to our inability to potato sack race effectively....maybe a new warm up?

    water jug changing-- i'll only do it if i'm dying of thirst. I'll actually sometimes walk up to our office the floor above to fill my bottle so i don't have to change it. i can do it, but its a pain in the ass.

  10. I have an empty keg shell in my basement...

    anyone have a tap? No deposit or any of that crap if so, just cost of beer ;)

    Don't tempt me!
